Hi, It’s aartichalisalyrics.com here.
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You know me, I love to research good resources and the best ways to learn Korean. So you’ll see links that go to outside resources throughout my website and my blog posts. These are called affiliate links.
So the owner(that’s me) could earn a little more money if you click/buy/sign up for that service/product.
My goal with this blog is to help teach you how to learn Korean quickly as a language learner. Please understandthat I’m not trying to do this because it makes financial sense; rather, I want to share my passion for languages and help others who may be interested in learning Korean. However, if you decide to use one of my links, I’d appreciate it if you could consider supporting me by buying something from Amazon using my link. It won’t cost you anything extra, but it helps support me and allows me to keep providing quality content to you. Thank you!
aartichalisalyrics.com participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associate Program, which allows us to earn commissions by linking to Amazon.com (and other affiliated websites) from our posts.
Please note that all opinions expressed here are my own and I haven’t received any free products, services, or anything else from these companies in exchange for mention on the site. The sole reason why I am writing about them is because they’re awesome!
If you have any further questions, feel free to get in touch via the “Get in Touch” link at the BOTTOM right corner of the site.
Cheers, and good luck